Events Wedding

How to Create a More Intimate Event

Don’t get us wrong, we love a good party! But sometimes the event calls for a small, quaint vibe for guests. If you’re in the mood to level up your party or wedding, here are some tips to create a more intimate event!

Appeal to the senses

Appealing to all of the senses is how to take a party from good to fantastic. Start by finding a signature scent that goes with the theme of your event and adding candles throughout the space to really elevate the mood. Use one scent throughout the space, you don’t want little pockets of different smells. Also use candles with essential oils instead of man-made fragrance. These will have lighter, more natural scents and won’t give your guests headaches.

A variety of small muffins decorated with flowers buds and sprigs of greenery, and dusted in powdered sugar. A printed  decorative label with a ribbon is resting among the muffins.

Create a yummy menu

Having a mouth-watering menu for your guests is another great way to elevate your event. For intimate cocktail parties, I like having passed hors d’oeuvres to keep everyone mingling and having a good time. Light bites makes it easier to eat while standing closely and keep the conversation flowing. For an intimate sit-down dinner, I love family style eating. Family style dinners remind everyone of Thanksgiving and gathering around the table with loved ones. It brings back great memories and helps you make new ones with new friends. Family style dinners do cost a little more than buffet, but having servers bring large dishes to the table that get passed around like Christmas is so heart-warming.

Music sets the mood

For intimate events think Norah Jones or Birdy played low and soft. This is not the time for Bruno Mars (that can come later). Playing soft jazz or moody music creates a soft and romantic atmosphere and adds to the vibe of the night. You can also find moody acoustic covers of your favorite songs that will fit in perfectly here.

A scene from an event showing long dinner tables set up in a venue. The tables are covered in white linens with brown runners and decorated with place settings and floral centerpieces. The venue boasts pampas grasses for decoration and colorful bistro light hanging from the wooden ceiling beams.

Think about lighting

You don’t want it so dark that your great aunt falls down trying to walk, but there’s a reason restaurants dim the lights as the night goes on. Turn off the harsh LED lights and think dim lighting and candles. This is also a great spot for design lighting such as colored uplights that can add to the overall design of your event while also helping your guests see. Bistro lights or dimmable chandeliers are also great because you can create the exact lighting level you want.

Add in some hygge

Add some levels of hygge to your event to make your guests feel cozy and at-home. For home design, this means warm blankets, furs, cozy pillows, and all-around happiness. Find ways to incorporate this into your event by adding lounge areas, pillows, textures, candles, and plants. For breakfast or winter events, think hot cocoa, coffees, pastries, and a crackling fire. There’s no reason you can’t bring feelings of your cozy home to an event venue. Get creative here! What would make you say “ahhh” if you saw it at a friend’s party?

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