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Improving Your Work Space


Whether you work from home, in an office, or freelance from everywhere, it’s important to have a workspace that brings you joy. Here are tips for improving your workspace to get the most out of your time.

Bring in a color palette that inspires you

If you’re working from a home office, it’s much easier to decorate! My home office consists of peachy-pink walls, a colorful rug, and fun floral art on the walls. I know this is not everyone’s style, but it’s important that your office space reflect you. If you work in an office or a co-working space and can’t paint the walls, try adding some fun artwork or a neon sign that makes you smile or inspires you. Add fun rugs or bookshelf accents that make it feel happy and warm. Pick furniture that reflects your style, if you can.

Add plants

I have faux plants and real plants in my office. I love looking around and seeing greenery and nature as I work! Plus, houseplants give off oxygen and help with focus and mental clarity and boost your mood. For the best office options, try a Snake Plant, ZZ Plant, Chinese Evergreen, Peperomia Obtusifolia, Monstera, or Spider Plant. These don’t require a lot of maintenance and are good in low or artificial light.

Listen to sounds that inspire you

Whether it’s music, birds singing, podcasts, or a noise machine, incorporate sounds that you enjoy. If you can’t concentrate while listening to radio music, try classical music, nature sounds, or meditation music. Raising your mood will help with focus, productivity, and creativity. And it just might help you level up your work game so you can check those goals off even sooner!

Make a snack or treat basket

I am very food motivated (just like my dog), so any time I have snacks around, it’s a good day! There’s nothing worse than getting a sugar headache or getting hangry during that important meeting or discussion. Keep snacks and treats on hand to curb hunger when you can’t get away or to reward yourself for achievements and projects completed. Plus everyone needs a little Wednesday pick-me-up! Think small energy bars, granola bars, mini-sized candy, or even nuts and snack cheese. Just be careful, you’ll quickly become the office favorite! If you work from a co-working space, bring a fun treat with you to reward yourself or treat yourself to something later for a job well-done.

Choose an inspirational bottle or mug

This one is so simple, but has really made such a difference for me. I’m not a coffee drinker, but there are a ton of cute, happy mugs out there to get you started on the right foot! For water or smoothies, pick a cute cup or bottle that makes you smile when you see it. Looking at your bottle or mug will boost your mood every time you pick it up. If you’re really extra, have several cups to reflect your mood that day and inspire those around you. This goes for any space you work in.

Take the time to organize and clean

It sounds silly, but having a well-organized work space is HUGE! A cluttered desk means a cluttered mind. So take the time to organize files, put stacks of papers in a proper place, and clean your desk surface. Order desk organizers, pretty file folders, or baskets if you need to. You’ll feel instantly better and now you have room for more inspiration and creativity to flow in.

Add a candle

This is my instant pick-me-up trick and brings me so much joy! I love a good candle and they make me feel so relaxed and calm, but in a boss kind of way! Opt for light, natural-smelling scents that won’t give you or others a headache. I LOVE the Threshold brand from Target- they smell amazing, look nice, and are super affordable.

Use pretty paper

Another easy pick-me-up is choosing fun paper or notepads to write on. I love everything from Rifle Paper Co. for list-making or longer notes. Even just choosing a fun color of post-its makes life better! And bonus if you stock up on your favorite pens (black or fun-colored).

I hope you see that adding little happies here and there makes such a difference in your mindset and happiness. It doesn’t take a ton of money to make work better. There are tons of great options from Amazon, Target, or the Dollar Store. Happy working!

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