Lifestyle Wedding

Tips for Taking Better Photos

Want to take better photos for your social media or practice before your big day? Here are 5 tips for taking better photos so you’ll look like a pro!


No, you probably won’t be able to get your significant other to practice poses with you, but you can certainly practice in front of the mirror. Try out different smiles and faces to see which looks you like. The key to good photos is mixing it up. A couple of different smiles, straight face, subtle toothless smile, open-mouth laughing, etc. Take it a step further by setting a timer on your phone or having a friend take them for you. Or set up your phone with a Bluetooth shutter button and test out different poses and see how they look in a photo. It’s super helpful to scroll through them afterwards and see which ones are your favorites. Once you decide which ones look best, keep practicing!! If you’re practicing for your big day, you want to feel comfortable in front of the camera so it captures your best.

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Choose an awesome outfit!

Everyone feels better and works it harder in an outfit they love! Whether you’re taking family photos, party pics, engagement photos, or pictures on your wedding day, you want to feel beautiful and comfortable. Choose an outfit you love that makes you feel flawless. (Not that itchy sweater you always end up regretting!) Make sure you can move in your outfit and it passes the church test. If you can’t wear it to church with your parents, don’t take photos in it. If you’re spending money on this sesh, wear a timeless, classic outfit you won’t regret in 3 years.

Smiling woman sitting on a desk in her home office with her dog posing seated in front of her.
Meghan Downs Photography


There’s nothing worse than stagnant photos that all look the same. Move around so you get more candid photos that look natural. Tell jokes or play fun music that makes you relax and enjoy yourself. Move around some while photos are being taken so you get different looks and poses. Look down, look sideways, look straight at the camera, close your eyes, laugh, sing, smile small, smile big. You get it! If you’re taking engagement or wedding photos, move your hands around for different looks. Touch your heart, touch your hair, touch your partner’s face, touch your partner’s hair, hold hands, touch their arm or waist. It can feel weird at the time, but it translates to amazing photos with all different looks so you get great choices!

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Find a photographer you love

This one makes such a difference! Find a photographer you’ve met and you’re very VERY comfortable with! They don’t have to be a friend of yours, but make sure they can help you come out of your shell and feel comfortable. You may be posing in some ways that don’t feel natural, but look great on camera. You need someone who can direct you that you trust to make you look good! Extra points if they can make you laugh for those candid photos. This also means finding a photographer who fits your style and shoots the kind of photos you like (i.e. moody, candid, staged, natural, light, quirky, etc.).

Find inspiration

There is nothing wrong with pinning some photos you really like for inspiration. When I have headshots done, I try to have about 6-8 photos of poses I like or pictures that give the vibe I’m going for. I always show these to my photographer so they know what direction I want to go in. Some are standing, some are sitting, some are laughing, but they give my photog some direction so I’m happy with the end results. Engagement and wedding photos are the same way. Save poses and looks you want to capture for yourself or make a list. This gives your photographer a starting point and they can take it from there.

Happy posing!

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