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What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed

As many of you know, I’ve been a big dreamer my whole life. But having your head in the clouds isn’t all fun and games. If you’re one of those people who has a big mission or calling in life it can feel very overwhelming at times trying to balance it all. Here are some of the things I do to cope with the bigness of my calling or help when I’m feeling overwhelmed in life.


Journaling has really become an incredible tool in my life to help me process my emotions. After an intense day working in my business or if I’m really struggling with an idea or feel stuck in life, I journal. I start out writing about how I currently feel and put my feelings to paper. Then I move into trusting God that I’m in the right place right now and that I’m on the right path. Then my writing moves into the gratitude phase thanking God or Source for all his wisdom, support, and guidance in my life. Lastly, I write out what I need help and guidance with moving forward. I can definitely tell a difference in my emotions from when I start writing to when I’m finished.

people walking down a path between tall trees. sunrays are peaking through the opening in the trees


This can look differently, depending on the day. I love to either take my dog for a nature walk at the local greenway or do a hiking trail. If I don’t have time for something long or it’s rainy outside, I like to dance or move in my house. Sometimes I put on a booty-shaking playlist that I can dance to. And sometimes I just stand and move my body as I talk to myself or God or listen to music. It just depends on my mood. Moving your body is an excellent way to release any energy stuck when you’re sad or overwhelmed and help you work through things.


Tapping is an emotional freedom technique. If you’re not familiar with it, I suggest watching videos on YouTube or social media or checking out Gala Darling. That’s who I learned it from and she did a great job explaining it all. Tapping is the act of lightly tapping on certain pressure points on the body to reset your autonomic nervous system. This basically resets your body and mind when you’re stressed out, triggered, or spiraling downward into a flight or fight mode. I do tapping all the time at home or in the car to work through a negative idea or belief that’s no longer serving me. I also do a modified version by just tapping on my hand or tapping my hand on something if I’m out in public.

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two women outside talking and laughing

Girl Time

As an only child, I am incredibly close with my friends. They are like family to me. And my girlfriends are my safe place where I can truly relax and soak up their amazing energy and love. I try to incorporate girl time into my schedule every couple weeks just to stay balanced and refuel my soul. I’m a huge introvert but time with my girls refuels me and inspires me. Whether we meet up for dinner to discuss life or enjoy wine and chat on the couch, this fills my spirit with good.


Meditation has made such a difference in my life. I’m not the best at mindfulness meditation, but I do love to sit and focus on my breathing and see what comes up or do guided meditations or visualizations. I like to meditate first thing in the morning or before I go to sleep. I think starting your day off and ending your day with aligned thoughts is so powerful, especially when I feel overwhelmed in life.


I love a good bath! I always feel so relaxed and at ease after a good bath. I go all out too, adding Epsom or bath salts, essential oils, or my crystals. I put on a calming nature sounds playlist so I feel like I’m at a spa. Queen Level! The Epsom salts work to relax and restore your muscles, helping them recover. They also help release any toxins in your body. And the crystals help you either release stuck energy or manifest what you want in life. If I don’t have the time for a full bath, I soak my feet instead. I fill the tub up just high enough to cover my feet and I still add my Epsom salts. I do this a lot if my feet hurt from the day or if I’m stressed out.

If I’m feeling particularly triggered or negative about something, I’ll do breathing exercises as I soak my feet. While I take a deep breath in, I think of something I want to breathe into my life. As I slowly release my breath, I think of something I want to release from my life. For example, I may think “I breathe in abundance.” “I breathe out scarcity mindset.” “I breathe in positivity.” “I breathe out negativity.” This is an incredible exercise anytime, but coupled with a bath or foot soak, it’s super powerful!

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Be Kind

Hopefully these tips help you next time you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed in life. Make sure you give yourself grace and compassion and honor where you’re at in life and how far you’ve come. We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes. When the world feels like it’s crumbling around us, the last thing we need is another critic. Be your own best friend. Talk to yourself how you would talk to your best friends. Give yourself grace and encouragement when you need it. I use this motto a lot, “Day by day in every way, I am getting better.” You’ve got this sis!

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